šŸ˜» Thank You, Tim šŸ˜»

MarinaĀ & Holly are at it again! Love could be their middle names!

Feline Matchmaking
Music & Lyrics by Timothy Price
Inspired by Holly and Marina
Collaboration between Resa and Timothy

Can we have long-distance love
For kitties locked down, locked in, Zoomed?

Jeepā€™s up north to the east
Spunkā€™s down south to the west

Jeep says meuw, not meow
Spunk says mew followed by a growl

Jeep is four dimensions in three
Spunkā€™s dimensions? Egyptian eyes
Jeep is a sweet girly whirly
Spunk has his destructive manly ways

Girly/Manly ways attract
Virtual romance for a matter-of-fact

Feline matchmaking during Covid cooties
Long-distance love-making, feline beauties
Purring, growling, rubbing screens
Jeep and Spunk have hit the scene

Virtual love and Covid Cooties
Modern romance oh so beautiā€¦
Full of screen-time Zoom Zoom Zoomed

Feline matchmaking, Covid cooties
Long-distance love-making, feline beauties
Purring, growling, rubbing screens
Jeep and Spunk have hit the scene

Tim, from Off Centre & Not Even, purveyor of magic trees (including Holly’s Tangle-Heart & Marina’s incognito Pear Tree), has written a fun and lovely song for the 2 love cats, Jeep & Spunk.

You’ve got to see & hear it! So click on the pic below, and go there!

Holly is a poĆ©tesse spĆ©ciale. She isĀ the first model I ever drew. She is the model for Boogapony Holly, Princess Blue Holly, Rene Rosso and is also an Art Gowns model. Above she models Lady Anne,Ā a gown dedicated to my BBF! I look forward to drawing her in Velvet Tango, which is dedicated to her.

Marina, an original Art Gowns model, is shown here in Cecilia Lionheart. This Art Gown is a tribute to Cecil the Lion who was murdered by a dentist. It was dedicated to Marina, an amazing artist and ardent animal activist.

Spunk and Jeep say if you want to see any of Resa’s Art Gowns, just scroll down the sidebar, and click on the pic of the Art Gown you want to visit!

ā¤ļø Big Thank you’s all around: Tim, Jeep, Spunk, Holly & Marina! ā¤ļø


76 thoughts on “šŸ˜» Thank You, Tim šŸ˜»

  1. Timothy Price

    Thank you, Resa. This is a wonderful post. You worked everyone in beautifully. It’s purrrfect. Spunk is all excited.

    1. Spunkie-Poo šŸ’‹!!!
      Tell Spunk Jeep caught a mouse about a half hour ago. I’m still shuddering. Poor mouse, but it’s Jeep’s now.

        1. I watched it! LOL! Can’t remember if I saw it, or not.
          Too, funny! The mouse is adorable. Spunk liked the little critter, that’s why it got away.
          Spunk looks absolutely adorable on your lap.
          Jeep put her mouse … somewhere.
          Freaking out!

          1. Timothy Price

            I used to find stashes of dead mice from the kitties. Sometimes I’m able to rescue a mouse and put it back outside. Our kitties bring all kinds of critters inside. Silver is really good about not hurting the critters. Marble often doesn’t hurt them. Loki and Spunk is really good about leaving other critters alone. Spunk only kills his tails, lids and other objects.

            1. Yeah, I used to rescue some birds from the Pupkin.
              They are a natural hunter; perhaps the best on earth. Yet, they are so sweet & purr. Well so, now Jeep has stashed the mouse. Uch!

  2. Awwwwww…. love is in the air!
    What an amazing colab! Honestly, I wouldn’t know where to begin. What I do know is that this is an all round treat! Resa and Tim and Jeep and Spunk!
    Holly, are we the Bestwomen? ā¤ļø
    Resa… wow those two drawings are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    paw waves and kudos to everyone!

    1. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo
      Yes, Best Women… but we will have to wait until Covid is over. The border is closed, and large weddings are a no-no!
      Hope you don’t mind, but I’m watching your Art Show to Benny Goodman…. lol!!
      ā¤ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo ā¤

      1. Itā€™s such a pleasure, I absolutely love and adore the post by you and Timothy and of course the kitties brought such a smile as well as Timothys song, so talented! This is a beautiful tribute to that , your art is amazing and your gowns awesome, itā€™s always an honor to don one and to be included with all the rest! ā¤ļøšŸ¤—šŸ„°šŸŒŗ

        1. Aww, ā¤ don a gown. Sweet!
          Well, I don't have any sportswear, so, well, I did do Art Gown suits & Mermaids. I still want to do Art Gowns for Motorcycles.
          Speaking of kitties, how is Mr. B?
          So many Art Gowns, yet, to design!

          1. Heā€™s a feisty little guy. Peek in on Instagram, heā€™s trying to make a break for it. I think he heard about Ms. J. ā€œDonā€ is that a word? Have some wine. šŸ·šŸ·

            1. Okay… yes, I’ll have some wine.
              Yes don is a word. lol.
              To don means to put on, as in clothing or hats. An actor will don his costume before he goes on stage.

              1. xoxoxoxo
                Atta girl! Don away! Lol!
                I can hardly wait to draw Boogapony in Hendrix inspired Art Gowns! šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø Will work on that with a new 1-eye next week…. with new supplies!!!
                Just finished some Shey heroine gowns for a post on her books.

              2. Iā€™m very excited about the Hendrix adventure! I will have to visit Shey , her books are awesome , the covers fantastic. I canā€™t wait to see your ā€œSheyā€ gowns! xoxoxo

  3. Such a lovely tribute to the amazing talents of Timothy and hats off to you lovely and gifted Resa. The combination of you and Timothy and Jeep and Spunk has landed us in the most awesome collaboration! xoxo

    1. Yay!
      Thank you, dear Holly!
      So much fun! We need fun!
      I adore the sketch of you. I see a lot of erasing, but it was an earlier one.
      I need to draw you in Velvet Tango!

        1. I got new art supplies…. finally! YAY!!
          It’s time to do 1 or 2 more of my already made Art Gowns into sketches.
          I’ve done 6… I think. I want to draw them all, eventually.

              1. We need to go on the road, again. (w/Boogapony)
                I wish I could draw faster!!!!
                šŸ‘ÆšŸ½ā€ā™€ļø xoxoxo

              2. Iā€™ve got the Van ready, lots of flowers and peace signs, our trademark so they know we are coming, boxes if your designer outfits. Boots galore, itā€™s travel time. šŸ‘­ xoxoxo

              3. Right on, sister!
                I’m groovin’! It will be the … Boogapony/Hendrix tour! Title, costumes, music and Bus Graffiti TBA.
                You know what it’s all about!
                šŸ’žā˜®ļø šŸ’žā˜®ļøšŸ’žā˜®ļøšŸ’žā˜®ļø

  4. The dark sections of Lady Anne give it the look of a jumpsuit ala Mrs. Peel of the real Avengers, not the comics. šŸ˜‰. About the mouse, was it presented to you as a gift from the supreme huntress? Anyway, good for her! Iā€™m all for mice outside, but inside itā€™s us vs them and SOFā€”save our food.


  5. Tee-hee! This is a delight, Resa. I already “knew” Spunk from Tim’s blog. I’m happy to see Jeep now too. Tim does such fun parody songs. Thanks for sharing this one, and for the hundred smiles in this post. Hugs on the wing!

  6. OMG RESA THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!!! I love it. It’s fabulous and J & J look gorgeous, as do your beautiful gowns. THIS IS BRILLIANT and I’m so happy you put the kitties on so everyone could see their great beauty. ā¤ ā¤ ā¤

    1. Thank you, Rebecca!
      I somehow missed this comment, and then was away on my other blog for a few days.
      Anyway., I’m back here for some days now!
      Take care out there!

      1. Oh, those comments are so easy to miss, arenā€™t they? Always a joy to see you – grateful for your presence! Take care and be safe. Many hugs coming your way. !!

    1. Hahahahahahaha! Maybe.
      Thank you, Brenda!

  7. This was SO MUCH FUN!!! Thanks guys, how cool was this!! Was laughing so hard while watching the “cats-on-cloud-nine-despite-lockdown-everythingĀ“s-fine” video!!:) What a brilliant collaboration. Also, I adore your art gowns – so much creativity, class and wild and free imagination rolled into one! This brightened up my day! Much love y besotes xoxoxo Ah, also just checked your “Passion of Ayn Rand” video etc – what a dream!! I love all your work Resa artista! Mil besos xoxo wishing you a fabulous and creative weekend chica šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

    1. Glad you got a laugh out of the cats video. Tim did a fab job, and it made a lot of people laugh!
      love y besotes xoxoxo to you to, dear Gypsy!!!

      Helen Mirren was an utter joy to work with! Well, seems I spent most of my life working, using my creative abilities to make other peoples visions (movies) come true.
      Now, with my Art Gowns, I’m making my own visions come true for me.
      Add Covid to it, I have lots of time….lol!!!
      Take care, have a great weekend and a wonderful week!

      1. Yes, Tim did an outstanding job, I had a fantastic time watching the cat romance unfold and being told through song!! šŸ™‚ Thank you for the love and besotes, warmly and gratefully received, my fabulous friend! šŸ™‚ xoxoxo

        Love your creative outlets, and yes, it is especially rewarding to make oneĀ“s own visions come true, I totally agree with that!! We are so lucky to enjoy creative expression in different forms this much! Covid who? šŸ˜› Worlds of imagination await!! Thanks for your lovely wishes and have a marvelous start to your week over there in enchanting Canada!! xoxoxo muak desde Andalucia xoxoxo

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