The Necromancer’s Daughter – by: D. Wallace Peach

Monarchy, religion, culture and love collide in ancient China’s warring society. All come to rest upon the shoulders of Aster, a gentle soul content in her life. At the start of this tale, her dead infant body is stolen from her mother, the  Queen of Verdane. Aster is brought back to life by Barus. Barus becomes her father, the only one she knows & loves.

Resa – Why &/or how did you come up withe the name Aster?

Peach – That’s an easy one.  She’s so pale that she reminded Barus of the white asters that grew in the meadows around his home. I imagined that when in bloom the flowers almost looked like snow.

Resa – I just have to ask, ” When did you discover the idea of “necromancy” … that it could bring people back to life?

Peach – Great question! Necromancy is (or was) a real thing, and the earliest records date back to the 3rd century, AD. Christian priests and scholars were some of the first to record attempts to “reanimate dead people or foretell the future by communicating with them.” So, it’s been around a long time, and I’m willing to swear that the desire to communicate with the dead continues today. Ouija Boards are a modern example, and some people make a very good living channeling departed souls.

Peach – In modern fantasy, most necromancers are evil and scary, involved in black magic and creating monsters. My mother didn’t want to read the book because she thought it was about cannibals. Lol. It’s a stereotype that I flipped on its head with Barus and Aster.

Resa – Did you make up the ritual? The mixing of herbs… the incanting…. the bleeding? Or did you read about it somewhere? Are there aster flowers in the potion?

Peach – The ritual was my own fabrication though I incorporated pieces of rituals that I found on the internet. It’s amazing what you can research there!
The herbs used in necromancy don’t include asters. The ones in the book are real poisons. The toxins have medical uses, but can easily be lethal. It’s another instance of that fine line between good and bad. It’s all about intention, isn’t it?

Resa – Above is an outfit I think the Queen of Blackrock could dress Aster in, when she is a guest there. However, I’m jumping ahead. Aster must get there first, and it’s a difficult journey fraught with perils.

Fortunately, she has the help of Joreh, then Teko. Oh, and I love all the hair on the men. Okay, not so much the beards, but all that long hair be it snarled, in a ponytail, braid or grey. I confess I have a huge crush on Teko.

Peach – I like long hair on men too. Ha ha. And not beards so much either, but it’s not like these guys get a chance to shave, so beards it is.  And Teko is a fan favorite, Resa. He was so fun to write – a barbarian imbued with honor, misleading simplicity, and astute wisdom. He was full of surprises even as I wrote him.

Resa – There is a black & silver Dragon, who has bonded with Aster. It seems like a simple bonding, until the final legs of the journey to claim her birthright. What gave you the idea to use dragons?

Peach – In the Chinese legend of Kwan-Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, there’s a dragon. She encounters it on the road while carrying water, and she isn’t afraid. The dragon admires her goodness and kindness and gives her a gift of a well so she won’t have to carry water anymore.  Just the mention of a dragon was enough for me to include them in the retelling of her story. ❤

Resa – On her journey, Aster encounters “Nightlings”. Are these like fire flies? Or are they little birds? I’d read a small portion of the book when they were encountered. In my mind I saw them as a sort of flashlight, leading Aster through darkness.

Peach – Ha ha ha.  I saw them in my mind’s eye as insects actually but large ones, the size of hummingbirds. They’re like dragonflies but they light up during dusk. I think Joreh mentions in the beginning that they’re insects, but I mostly leave it up to the reader’s imagination. Your question intrigued me.

Resa – I gotta tell you, I was wearing a thick, oversized lumberjack shirt while reading about the snow, the cold, the freezing, the deprivations of winter beyond winter. A couple of nights ago, when I put the story down for dinner, my hands were so cold my fingers were icicles. I’m chalking it up to that you are such a great writer that you can describe me into being cold.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Peach – LOL, Resa.  I probably was wearing a coat when I wrote the book… last winter.  Our cabin is hard to heat when it gets especially chilly outside. 🙂 I’m so sorry about the cold fingers though! 

Resa – I have a question about Aster’s raiment once she has reached Blackrock. Aster is cleaned up and dressed in rose, cream and violet silk with a blue sash sleeveless blue robe/w dragons on the hem. Her hair is in a tall knot. This description is not as brightly colourful as the citizens are dressed.  Am I correct in summing up that her outfit in Blackrock is a less richly hued  than the one she wears at the Gates of Whitehall?

Peach – I can so tell that you’re a wardrobe and gown designer! Your questions are wonderful. Generally, the queen of BlackRock has selected pastels for Aster, in Blackrock and at the gates of Whitehall. The queen thinks she’s too deathly pale for anything the least vivid. She also doesn’t trust Aster’s fashion sense, so everything coordinates regardless of how Aster puts the layers together.
The gowns are similar to the Hanfu style of Chinese clothing, lots of layers of silk and long flowing sleeves. There are wonderful images on the internet and lots of variation. The tall hairstyles were typical of Chinese royalty back in the day.
Resa – I imagined I was the Queen of Blackrock’s designer, so I had access to all silk, threads and jewels. I designed an outfit with Aster. There is an aster pattern down one side of her sleeveless kimono, and she wears fresh asters in her hair.
Peach – Love it! Wow. Resa, that’s beautiful!  And I just ADORE the idea of you as the designer producing Aster’s dress for the queen. How fun to have you in the story!
Resa – OH! You never described a headdress. Would I be out of order to include one?
Peach – Isn’t that funny? Lol. Please do whatever you want with a headdress. You’re the designer. ❤❤❤
 Resa – I would have loved to draw Aster on her horse, but that could have added MONTHS to the drawing.
Inside the Gates of Whitehall, Aster is weak as a kitten, yet regal. I saw her using something to hold onto. I came up with obsidian cat statues. There are the wild cats mentioned throughout the journey, so I thought even though you never described these statues, it’s not totally out of context.

Peach – The drawing is beautiful. And the cat statues look great the way they frame her. I totally defer to your artistic impulses.
Resa – You are not just gracious, you are a true fan of the creative nature.
Peach – And your reviews are just amazing!  I LOVE them. I can’t wait to see it all come to life. Thank you so much for reading my work and for your wonderful drawings.
Resa – My pleasure!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

A long-time reader, best-selling author D. Wallace Peach started writing later in life after the kids were grown and a move left her with hours to fill. Years of working in business surrendered to a full-time indulgence in the imaginative world of books, and when she started writing, she was instantly hooked.

In addition to fantasy books, Peach’s publishing career includes participation in various anthologies featuring short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. She’s an avid supporter of the arts in her local community, organizing and publishing annual anthologies of Oregon prose, poetry, and photography.

Peach lives in a log cabin amongst the tall evergreens and emerald moss of Oregon’s rainforest with her husband, two owls, a horde of bats, and the occasional family of coyotes.

Visit Diana on her blog!

You can buy D. Wallace Peach’s books on:

Amazon US~~~Amazon UK~~~Kobo

All pics of street art taken by Resa – 2019 – 2022

Toronto, Canada

This is one fabulous story!


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Dragon (manipulated) – from a mural by Allan Bender John Nobrega & Stacey Kinder

All other street artists unknown

344 thoughts on “The Necromancer’s Daughter – by: D. Wallace Peach

          1. Thanks for the link! As a person who draws with words, the idea of producing that artwork is beyond me. And yes, the opportunities to learn and know are endless. Never a dull moment. I love that. ❤

  1. A wonderful interview, Resa. I enjoyed the Necromancer’s Daughter, and your questions brought back how marvelous it is. I love your interpretation of Aster’s gowns. Congratulations to Diana on this lovely post.

    1. Wasn’t it wonderful, John? Resa is immensely talented, and I could wait to see her interpretations of Aster’s gowns. Of course, I was also doing a happy dance when I learned she was reading the book. Thanks for stopping by Art Gowns and for sharing your kind words about the book. 😀

    2. Dear John,
      Thank you for this wonderful comment!
      I so loved drawing Aster in the gowns/raiment the Queen chose for her.
      Of course, there were other outfits… but we can leave those for the movie.

      I remember Samantha from the first “Eternal Road” book. If there are no gowns in the second book, would you mind if I made up what she looks like in a gown?

      Okay… well… adore you! OX OX OX OX

              1. These shrunken OX en are quite handy!
                Oh… Thank you for the hibiscus flowers!

  2. That was so fun, Resa. It felt like we were having a conversation. Your questions were unique, and I’m glad I sounded coherent in my answers. I couldn’t help laughing again at the part about men’s hair. Lol. The dragon murals fit perfectly and I could have raved on and on about your drawings. Even the outtakes are beautiful. You made the silk shimmer! I’m so honored that you read the book and took all those hours/days/weeks to create the artwork. I can’t wait to share this post. It will happen next Saturday when I can devote the day to nothing but fun. Hugs hugs, my friend for all your kindness. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    1. Dear Diana,
      It is a conversation.
      Thank you infinitely for answering each question…email, by email, by email.
      Brrr, men with long hair… 🔥☄️ Ooo Yeah!
      We had sun here today! 😂
      This gave me a chance to try much. I had sun and Tim’s lights. I selected the pics I thought were the most appropriate, but I just had to include the sparkly ones.

      I’m thrilled that the raiment in your story included gowns, of sorts. What fun.
      The best is that I adore the tale, the characters and mostly your writing.
      Next Saturday sounds fab, and I’m sure there will be more comments uyou will be happy to read.

      Looking forward to your next book! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ & Hugs!

      1. I think it occurred to me about 1/2 way through the Q&A that you might use my answers in your post. I tried to make sure my spelling and grammar was correct after that. Hehehe. The photos came out perfect. Now I understand why you were waiting for a sunny day. That’s the artist in you. Thanks again for the wonderful post, conversation, and kind words about the story. xxxxoooo

        1. Your spelling and grammar, by and large, is quite perfect. I find it fluid. (love it)
          Prosaic grammar works for me, as well.
          I’m thrilled about this sunny day. The pics did it for me. xxooxxoo

  3. Resa and Diana, what can I say, except this is marvelous because we have Diana’s wonderfully crafted books and gowns, but also your interviews. The best bit of them is they never feel like interviews at all but they cut straight to the heart and chase of the book. Wonderful post x

    1. Thanks for swinging by, Shey. The interviews feel like conversations more than interviews, don’t they? And Resa’s questions are as creative as her gowns. I loved the one about the nightlings but the comments about hair and beards cracked me up. (Still laughing). And the gowns. I’m beyond words about her kindness and the hours of work she put in. I know that you know how fun it is to see characters come to life. Resa even made the gowns shimmer. ❤ ❤ Happy Sunday, my friend.

      1. She’s amazing in that she casually emails me asking some small thing and then the book’s core is right there .And you think,’ How did that happen?’ THAT is before we get to the gowns. i never saw a nack like it and it is beyond brilliant every time.

    2. OMG!
      Shey, I adore you!
      You are onto me, like no one else.
      You saying “cut straight to the heart and chase of the book” mean the world to me.
      Thank you!

      1. (SORRY…) But you seriously cut right to the heart and chase. i just said so to Diana before reading this. And so much you ahve done for me means the world . i ahve all your drawings of my ladies in frames here ibn my house xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Aren’t they great? Resa did a beautiful job with the whole post, Tim. I love the intricacy of the asters on one of the gowns… and the fans and hair. And you’re right that the murals were a perfect fit. Chinese dragons for a retelling of a Chinese myth. She really made the whole process fun and the post made my day. Thanks for stopping by and have a great Sunday.

            1. Thanks for the lovely comment about the book, Shey. And I loved hanging out with you and the Dudes at your place. It’s always a lively stay with a bunch of great visitors. The laughs go on and on. ❤

  4. Just wow! One of the most fun and creative interviews I’ve read. I loved your review Resa, telling through conversation and your stunning drawings. I’ve already had the pleasure of reading this most engaging book and thoroughly enjoyed the conversation between you both. And I had to laugh at Diana’s mom not wanting to read it because she though it was about cannibals. That is just too sweet. Hugs to you both. ❤ xxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Resa’s, Debby. Isn’t that comment by my mom funny? She was blind, so she couldn’t actually read it, but my dad had offered to read it to her and she refused. I guess cannibal books aren’t very popular. Lol. I’m so honored by Resa’s review/glorious artwork/great questions/ and the perfect murals to bring the story to life. She spent hours and hours on this over weeks. I’m over the moon. Hugs back at you for your visit and lovely comment.

    2. Debby!
      Honestly, I don’t know how to do a standard review or interview. I just ask a question here and there. You know!
      So, we get a conversation.
      Hahaha…I know, cannibals… right!
      (ps.. I want to do an interview…? something with you. )

      1. Debby’s new book is wonderful, Resa. I keep saying it’s like sitting around a coffee table and having a conversation about growing up while sharing a bottle of wine. She’d be a fun person to interview. And she’s very stylish too! You’ll have to draw lots and lots of shoes!

        1. Oh lol! Shoes aren’t my forte, but I keep stretching…… my drawing abilities, not my shoes.
          I know I will do something with Debby. I’m really liking her podcasts. I need to figure something there.

      2. Resa, you are amazing. You make all your posts come to life. I know well how long this amazing post must have taken to put together. And yes, I would love, love to collaborate with you again! I’ll be taking my winter blog break starting next week, but would love to do something in early spring with you! Hugs my friend! xoxox

            1. Ohh, if you get in the mood and see something you really like take some pics. I can do a guest post with you. Maybe work in your podcasts in the post, which I’d like to promote. Many would benefit from them. xoxoxo
              (Just a thought. I will figure something with your podcasts, anyway!)

              1. Okay! When I go for my downtown walks along the boardwalk I will find some beauties for you! We’ll chat when I return and I’ll send you photos with stories Yay, sounds fun! ❤ xx

    1. Thanks, Dave. I’m still spinning and smiling about the post. So honored by Resa’s kindness and her willingness to employ her talents for the post. It’s amazing. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday and start to your week.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Liz. I can attest that Resa has been working on this post for weeks, months even. It’s been fun to see it develop, and I’m so honored that she took the time to read the book and create all these drawings. There are even outtakes! Lol. The questions were super fun too. I’m so glad you enjoyed her review. It certainly made my day. Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much for swinging by, my friend. I just loved how Resa pulled together this post – the drawings, the questions, the murals. So fun to see Aster come to life in her eyes. Have a lovely day, and Happy Writing!

  5. Resa, a spectacular interview with my favorite author Diana Peach. Her writing is amazing and “Necromancers” is fabulous! You’re illustrations are perfect and do Justice to the amazing characters broght to life by Ms. Peach. Thank you both …brava to you both. 🥂 xoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Holly, not only for stopping by Resa’s but for reading the book and for your kind comments. It always feels like winning the lottery when Resa posts a multi-faceted review like this, full of beautiful murals, great questions, and her stunning artwork. I’m floored by how much time she dedicated to pulling it all together. Huge hugs to you, my friend. Have a wonderful Sunday. ❤

      1. I so enjoyed this Diana. I’m among your biggest fans and to find that you’ve joined forces with our beloved and brilliant Resa is a double treat. The interview is perfection, your book is amazing, Resa’s gowns are gorgeous and she always knows how to coordinate her designs with the characters. Sending love to you both and congrats 🎉!

    2. Dearest Holly,
      Thank you! It was cool drawing the kimono style of the Hanfu Dynasty. Possibly an idea that can be adopted into a Las Vegas version for the AGMs.
      So many ideas. So little time.
      Brava back at ya! 🥂 xoxoxo👯‍♀️

      1. Diana’s books are so beautiful and I love her reviews of other’s Indies. She keeps us on top of things. I love your designs, the gowns so fitting for the character in “Necromancy…”.
        The Las Vegas idea for the AGM’s is spectacular! ❤️🐭🐭

        1. Diana is a generous book blogger. She’s a book blog star!
          It was cool drawing the kimonos on Aster. I still have to finish the Rupert Valentino tale.
          I suppose RR could always cut in with an “emergency” Las Vegas Art Gowns post!
          It could have been pre-recorded. LOL
          I’m just going to go with the flow!
          Can’t keep the minds of Meece down!

          1. I can’t wait for the Rupert Valentino ( no relation to Rudolph). Diana is generous beyond words, and so are you dear Meece. RR loves to butt in with emergency alerts , if there isn’t one she will make one. 😂 love ya dahling. 👯‍♀️

            1. Yes, there is no relation, but you know Rupert! He likes to fudge the truth. Many think he is related. I’m sure Rudolph is turning in his grave.
              Nothing like emergency alerts! 😂 Love ya, too!
              🤩 👯‍♀️🤩

              1. Music tonight! Need to finish PBH in her cape. OR… who knows what will come out of me? I love the PBH w/ puppet drawing. She looks really great! xoxoxo

              2. Mailed PBH in cape!
                The guys played Jeff Beck and David Crosby music last night, then finished off with a fantastic long version of the Stones Jumpin’ Jack Flash!!!!! xoxxo

              3. Thank you, Meece! Adore you!
                The cape is falling over one shoulder, and flowing to one side.
                Do you think it needs more shading, or some colour to reflect that properly? So it doesn’t look like a gown?
                Oh, BTW… I inadvertently drew another female nemesis for PBH. This one is way better than Chainelle. She has 3 arms!
                Will send that along later today or tomorrow.

    1. Resa’s drawings are something special, Cindy. My cheeks are sore from all the smiling. It was great to see your name pop up in the comments. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely comment. 😀

    1. Thanks for the visit, Merril. I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview. It’s Resa’s one-of-a-kind style, and I feel blessed that she read the book and pulled this all together, including her beautiful artwork. What a treat. Have a wonderful Sunday and Happy Writing!

    1. What a lovely comment, Marina. I’ve been glowing since I first read this post. Resa is an artist for sure, not only because she creates gorgeous drawings, but the way she pulls everything together. She does make the world a better place. Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day. ❤

      1. The Resa glowing effect! I know exactly what you mean! Resa’s golden heart shines ever so brightly! You both make the world a better place, my dear Diana! Thank you for that! 🙏
        You too have a lovely day and week ahead! ❤️😘

    2. Thank you, dahling!
      If anyone knows the joys of creativity, you do. I admire you a lot, my ultra creative friend.

      1. That goes both ways and you know that, my sweet sweet friend!
        LOVE and a huge hug and, well….
        swimming suit out!

    1. Wasn’t it grand? Thanks so much for stopping by, Layla. Resa’s reviews are like events! Ha ha. I absolutely cherish them and get such a kick out of her drawings. They’re beautiful and fun, and it’s an honor to see my character come to life. Have a wonderful afternoon and great week ahead. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Aladin, for the visit to Resa’s and the kind comment. She’s a marvel and I’m delighted and honored by all the time and care she put into this post, especially her artistic talents. I’ve been wearing the “Resa glow” myself. I hope you’re well and wish you and yours a peaceful week. ❤

    1. Thank you, Pam. I’m thrilled that you’re giving it a try. Now you have some visuals and insights to go along with the words. I couldn’t be more pleased with Resa’s lovely review and interview, and of course, her drawings. I hope you enjoy the story. Happy Reading!

    1. Thank you, Roberta! It was a satisfying joy making this post.
      A bit of a break (I have homework for the gov’t that aren’t taxes…UCH).
      Then it’s your books. I’ll be posting the review on GLAM.
      However, I already know that I won’t be using street art. I will use some of your fondant images.
      Still, I’m also looking for …. something special that I can do.
      I need to read everything first. I’m sure to get inspired!!!

    2. Thanks so much for stopping by to check out Resa’s marvelous drawings, Robbie. They took days/weeks to complete, and I’m tickled that you enjoyed them. She pulled together a beautiful post with her artwork, photography, and a super fun interview. It certainly made my week! Huge hugs.

  6. Excellent interview, ladies! Thank you for explaining necromancy as I didn’t know what it was. This book is on my Kindle but I haven’t read it yet so I was glad there weren’t any spoilers here ((happy gal here)). I’m looking forward to the read!

    1. No spoilers, Christy, but a lot of fun details. I love questions from someone who’s read the book since they’re much more specific to the story, characters, or setting. I’m so glad it’s waiting for you. Resa did a fantastic job with this post and I’ve been on cloud nine with the lovely comments. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. What a fabulous post to promote Diana’s wonderful book, Resa! I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and your beautiful gowns. This book is on my favorites list, loved it, and she is an exquisite storyteller. I’m sure the happy dance hasn’t ended yet. Congrats to Diana! ❤️❤️

    1. Thank you, Lauren. It’s been an enjoyable experience. I love drawing gowns!
      The book is also an inspiring voyage.
      Diana is a great writer! xoxo❤ ❤

        1. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, Lauren. I was tickled pink by Resa’s drawings, and how she wove everything together, including dragons. Her interview was great fun too. I love it when the questions are specific to the story. Have a great weekend, my friend. ❤

    1. Thanks for swinging by Resa’s, Bruce. She’s a talent and so generous with her time and energy. These drawings took weeks and weeks to produce. And thanks for the kind comment about the book. I’m flattered and grateful that you took the time to read it. Have an awesome weekend. 🙂

  8. Reblogged this on Myths of the Mirror and commented:
    Today, I’m sharing a post created by Resa, our glamorous friend from fashion and film. Resa creates spectacular one-of-a-kind gowns, all stitched by hand from reclaimed materials (table runners, drapes, and found fabrics). They’re truly stunning, with a powerful message about sustainability and what’s possible with vision and effort. But her artistic talents don’t stop there.

    After reading The Necromancer’s Daughter, she put her creativity to work again, drawing gowns for my character Aster. Combined with her photos of dragon murals and a whimsical interview, she’s pulled together a wonderfully entertaining post. I hope you join us for some beauty, laughter, and fun. And check out her gowns!

    1. Thank you so much for the reblog, Diana!
      Honestly, I have been excitedly awaiting it. You said you were going to.. and here it is!
      Eeeeeeee! Lol!
      I enjoyed every minutia of this project: from reading the book, to drawing Astor, to finding the right street art, to getting all the answers to my many email questions, to putting it all together, to your happiness with the outcome.

      What fun creativity is!
      Sending many good wishes your way! Have a wonderful year writing your next book! Resa xoxo

      1. I also couldn’t wait, Resa. The timing is great and what a wonderful way to start the weekend. We share quite a few friends, but hopefully, a few more will find their way here to admire your beautiful site. The next book is in the works and there’s another one lined up after that. 2023 is turning out to be a creative new year… if I go by the first 3 weeks! Lol.

        1. Diana!
          Go by the first 3 weeks!
          I was a bit slow off the start… just slow, but I do believe I’ve got the bull by its horns now. A nice friendly, loving bull! lol
          This is a great way to start the weekend.
          What fun you are Diana! 🤗🤗🤗

  9. What a fun, informative interview! Your gown drawings are splendid, Resa–so intricate and creative. It’s wonderful to see members of this community interact with one another and support each other like this. Fun times! Also, it’s always good to learn more about Diana and her creative genius. Thanks for interviewing her–she’s an amazing writer and person. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Resa’s, Mike, and for the wonderful comment. I’m a fangirl when it comes to her creativity, especially her gowns. They stir up childhood fantasies of being a princess or a movie star. 🙂 I also love the generosity of spirit in this community. It’s not like she has nothing else to do! Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Hugs.

    2. Hello Mike,

      This project was one big joy!
      Diana is an excellent writer. This is the second book of hers I’ve read.
      Thank you for the compliments re: my drawing. It’s really improved since I began several years ago. Honestly, my pals on WP have been inspirational. It is a fabulously creative community.

      It is fun asking specific questions after I’ve read a book, and learning what the author has to say.
      Thank you for your visit, and leaving this appreciated message! 🤗

    1. You are so right! this book is incredible. I saw the movie as I read. That is a result of well done descriptive writing.
      Lol, I don’t know how to do a regular book review…so … this is what you get! 🤗

    2. Thanks, Priscilla. Resa goes wild with these book posts. I have a hard time calling them reviews; they’re more like creative multimedia extravaganzas. And she spent weeks pulling this together, right down to waiting for sunny days to take photographs. I’m so glad you enjoyed her post, and of course, the book. Hugs.

    1. Hello!
      I think your 2 cents is worth LOTS more! I was going to say a million dollars, but it’s hard to put a monetary value on the enjoyment a good book brings! 🤗

    1. Hello Jacqui,
      Thank you! Diana’s characters are vivid. One could talk about who would play them in a movie.
      LOL, the make-up..well, my background is fashion design & technology. I can’t help it! 🤗

    2. Ha ha. Love the comment, Jacqui. I’m so flattered and honored that Resa took the time and creative talent to bring Aster to life and create such a multimedia event here. I hope you got a chance to browse her gowns too. Can you imagine her hand-stitching every one of those? That’s true dedication to her craft. Thanks for the visit and Happy Researching!

    1. Ha ha ha. No balls to attend, Noelle? Darn. I feel the same way. I used to sew and she does inspire me to rummage around for used or salvaged fabrics and create something fun that I can actually wear out to dinner or the grocery store. Hehe. For now, we’ll just have to write our visions of wonderful attire. Thanks for swinging by to check out the lovely post and drawings, and Resa’s site. Happy Writing, my friend.

    2. Thank you!
      Nothing to wear it to.
      In there is a part of the reason I began doing the Art Gowns.
      Most of us will never walk the red carpet. We may get to wear a prom gown, or a wedding gown.
      So Art Gowns are something we can wear virtually in imagination.
      The concept has evolved and Art Gowns has become an artistic statement for sustainability. 🤗

      1. Just a perfect idea. I used to draw ball gowns for my dolls when I was little! I think the last time I wore a real gown was to my daughter’s wedding but it was very mother-of-the -bride!

    1. Colleen,
      Thank you for this lovely comment.
      I don’t know how to do a “normal” review, but I sure have fun doing it my way.
      Diana’s book is simply marvellous. It has been a satisfying ad rewarding experience communicating with her about it! 🤗

    2. Resa makes my reviews feel so ordinary, Colleen. Ha ha. I guess this is what happens when a multi-talented and creative soul gets busy. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was really fun seeing Aster through her else’s eyes. And I love questions that are related to details in the book. Thanks for the visit, and Happy Writing! Enjoy your weekend. ❤

  10. This is a fantastic interview that feels more like a fireside conversation with friends. Kudos Resa for such a creative and engaging way to share Diana’s book. Your sketches and questions added so much depth and insight to the review. And I loved reading all the comments as a continuation of the conversation.

    1. Thank you Brad!
      It is like a friendly chat. Or, as Diana will attest, many friendly email questions.
      I just can’t seem to think of a bunch at once, so it’s one question at a time. It’s like eating peanuts. One leads to another. It’s hard to only eat one, or ask one. 🤗

    2. Thanks for stopping by, Brad. Resa would send me a question or two a week as she worked on the drawings, and I don’t think I realized until we were about halfway through that it was the interview. Lol. I was so glad my spelling was decent and I didn’t say anything embarrassing! 🙂 All tons of fun, of course, and a huge honor. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend. I hope you’re enjoying some sunshine. ❤

              1. I love Diana’s book, and your designs are spot on. Your dragons are awesome, too.
                I looked on your website at the gowns you designed. I love every one. They are truly awesome in the true meaning of the word. The colours are amazing.

              2. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, Viv. Resa did a wonderful job with every element of this review/interview/art extravanganza. And her gowns… I’m breathless when I look at them, and to know that they’re hand-stitched is rather astonishing. That’s dedication. I’m so glad you headed over. Have a wonderful week!

  11. What a fun interview! Resa brought Aster’s story to life. I could see her twirling in those beautiful gowns. Splendid work… a deadly combination! I loved both – the questions and the answers. Congratulations Diana.

    1. Dear Balroop,

      Fun is important to me. Drawing is fun. Gowns are fun. Turtle reading is fun. Diana is fun.
      I adore that she is open to my creative output, even if not explicit to a scene in the book. She is a true supporter of creative endeavours.
      Deadly …. oh I like that. I feel like a book review outlaw!
      Be well! 🤗

    2. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Balroop. I’m thrilled with Resa’s drawings and her multimedia presentation. She took a lot of time to create the post and it was fun to see it come together. I hope you got a chance to browse her gowns too. They’re pretty much fantastic and I love her story about her creative adventures. Have a great weekend, my friend. Huge hugs. ❤ ❤

    1. Yvette, your comment had me doing a little happy dance. Thank you for reading and I’m so glad you enjoyed it. No sequel, I’m afraid. Sorry! 😀 Resa did a lovely job with this post and I couldn’t be more grateful for her kindness, and all the hours and hours of work. Even her outtakes are gorgeous. I hope life is calming down for you and that you’re getting more time for writing. Have a lovely weekend. ❤

    2. Aww, thank you, Yvette!
      It’s such a great book. One thing for sure, Diana can write, well.
      I’m not feeling a sequel, but I am feeling like reading another of Diana’ book. One thing for sure, there are a lot to choose from. Thank you for visiting. 🤗

      1. Mermaids someday, Resa. All those beautiful flowing tails and fins and long drifting hair. 🙂 I don’t care if you read the book, I just want to see the drawings. Lol. Of course, this is just my fantasy. I’m grateful for your enthusiasm just as it is. ❤

        1. That book has been in my mind. I love drawing mermaids, and I’m sure yours will inspire interesting visions.
          It will be the next book of yours i read, unless you lure me in with something else! ❤ ❤ ❤

  12. Pingback: The Necromancer’s Daughter – by: D. Wallace Peach – Site Title

  13. I’m almost sorry I’ve already read the book, so I could enjoy it all over again. I loved it. Lots left to the imagination, but no important details were missing. I hadn’t really thought about all those gowns. I hope they had warm underwear for the winter. It was cold in some of those scenes.

    1. Ha ha ha. Silk is pretty warm, Anneli. Get yourself some silk long undies. You’ll love them. What a lovely comment. Thank you so much for reading and undertaking a thorough edit to make the book all it could be. I’m delighted that you enjoyed the gowns. Aren’t they wonderfully creative? Resa has been very good to me and I’m over the moon. Happy Weekend, my friend. ❤ ❤

    2. Thank you, Anneli!
      Yes, I shivered while reading some of those scenes.
      Silk is very warm and windproof. Still, loose raiment lets in a lot of draft.
      The gowns are important. The correct clothing for the era, character and storyline tell a lot.

    1. I loved Resa’s questions, Jan. It’s so fun when they relate to the details that sparked a reader’s imagination. The part about men’s beards and long hair cracked me up. And her gowns were just lovely… some of them even seem to shimmer! Thanks so much for stopping by and adding to the fun. 🙂 Have a great evening and Sunday.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kymber. Resa’s reviews are multi-media events! I’m so honored to be here and delighted that you enjoyed her artwork, and the book too, of course. Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend. ❤

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Andrea. 🙂 Wasn’t it a fun post? I was so flattered and honored to see Aster come to life in Resa’s beautiful drawings. And I love questions about the details in the book. We got off track with the beards and hair, and I got a good laugh. Enjoy your week, my friend. And Happy Writing. ❤

  14. Pingback: The Necromancer’s Daughter – by: D. Wallace Peach –

  15. Wow! Resa & Diana, what a fabulous collaboration / interview! 😀

    Resa, your designs are wondrous and creative. I am in awe of your designs and love Aster and her outfits! The headdress is divine and a beautiful touch. Oh, your poor fingers, Resa and hope they warmed up quickly.

    Diana, this is proof positive of the power of your words, of your world-building, incredible settings, scenarios and characters.

    A fantastic interview and I enjoyed ‘listening’ in to your chat!😀❤️

    1. Thanks for the visit, Annika. It was a collaboration that spanned weeks, though I didn’t have much work to do. Resa did it all. I was astonished that some of her drawings even shimmer! She brings so many different things together to bring the character and books to life. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Huge hugs, my friend. ❤

  16. What an absolutely fabulous delightful post, Resa!!! The creative juices are flowing here and it makes my heart sing!!! Really enjoyed reading the interview and viewing your gorgeous illustrations. Tremendous talent witnessed here in both Resa and Peach. Glorious!! xoxo

    1. Greetings, AmyRose. Isn’t Resa talented? Plus she’s a wonderful hostess who makes everyone feel appreciated and welcome. It’s been great fun to hang out at her site and visit with all our friends. I love her gown drawings and photos and the interview was a hoot. Thanks for joining in and bringing your smile. ❤

  17. Oh, WOW! What a refreshing and creative Interview/Review! I enjoyed reading it so much, and Aster’s dresses are simply gorgeous. What talent, Resa! And Diana, thank you for The Necromancer’s Daughter. This book is one of my favourites, by you. ❤

    1. Thank you kindly, Khaya. Your review was wonderful and so appreciated. Thanks for stopping by at Resa’s. She’s another amazing talent in our community and her multi-media reviews are a delight. I’m so honored that she took the time to pull this all together. Have a lovely, serene, creative week, my friend. ❤

  18. This the triumph of the imagination . What a creativity!
    About Aster , I have in my garden . They are also called St Michael Daisy. (they are blooming in September ). They are the bees restaurant !
    Love ❤

    1. Thank you, Michel, for stopping by Resa’s to admire her beautiful work and her review. As an author (and as one of her admirers) I couldn’t be happier with her kindness. Enjoy some sunshine and have a wonderful week.

      1. Ha ha ha. You crack me up. Isn’t it funny how some characters just can’t help stealing the show? It’s not something that’s planned. Their personalities just pop. I’m glad you enjoyed my brave barbarian.

    1. You’re too funny, Teri. Teko has a lot of fans, but I have a feeling he’s hard to pin down. Lol. He likes the ladies. Thanks so much for stopping by Resa’s to peruse her amazing review/interview. She spent weeks on this! And I hope you took a peek at her gowns. They’re stunning! Have a great week and Happy Reading.

  19. Resa and Diana – this was a brilliant conversation – exciting and energized. Resa – your interview questions ignited the conversation and allowed us to see the complexity of Diana’s narrative. What is necromancy? Did you make up the ritual? Those details are essential as a background to the storyline. And I laughed out loud when I read “I confess I have a huge crush on Teko.” Your thought of reading with a coat on and Diana’s response that she was probably wearing a coat when writing “The Necromancer’s Daughter” brought me into a fireside chat with your both. Diana – your stories send us to imaginary places where we wish we could go in real life. Thank you for being a writer.

    Resa – I look forward to more interviews. You have a great way of connecting authors with readers. Sending hugs to you both.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Rebecca, and for joining us in our fireside chat as we shivered in our coats. Lol. Resa’s questions were a blast, and she got me laughing more than once. And her drawings… I’m tickled pink and over the moon. It’s such an honor to be a recipient of her beautiful interpretations of Aster. What’s been the most fun about this post is her kindness and enthusiasm. It’s no wonder she’s loaded with fans. I hope she continues reading books from our community and sharing her amazing talents (among all her other creative endeavors!). Have a wonderful week, my friend. ❤

      1. Diana – you and Resa are a marvelous duo that energizes the reading experience. Resa has opened my mind to the possibilities of creative endeavour from her mural art photos to showcasing how unloved material can be transformed into glamour and sophistication. Most of all, Resa reminds us that we can overcome the darkness with kindness, courage and friendships.

    2. Aww, thank you dear Art Director!
      Well, I do have a crush on Teko. He’s one bad ass barbarian, and I mean that in the cool way.
      Anyway, so glad you joined our fireside chat. We got to take our coats off for it.
      I enjoyed drawing Aster, a lot. The Chinese raiment of the times was a new drawing challenge, and it gave me some ideas for an Asian themed Las Vegas show for the Art Gowns Models.

      Sending hugs back to you! Watch out! They fly high and fall fast!

      1. I can hardly wait. You take us to the most amazing locations and involve us in dramatic events where we must find the courage to overcome. It is always easier when you are with kindred spirits. Your hugs came through the window with blinding speed sending showers of sparkles. It was a beautiful sight.

        1. What are the sharpest things in the world?
          Hugs that penetrate a window without breaking the glass.
          Yet another feeble Resa joke, for your pleasure. 🤗🚀🪟✨

        1. It will all be in drawings, so you will get to. see it all!
          First, PBH has to rescue AGMs Shey, Dale and Gigi from Otherworld.
          Working on those “Gowntoon” drawings now!

    1. Thanks for the visit, Mary. It’s been a crazy wild time over here, but tons of fun. Resa’s drawings are a treasure. I’m so flattered and honored that she used her time and talent to create such a lovely multi-media post. I hope you got a chance to browse the amazing gowns on her site. Have a great week, my friend. Hugs.

    1. I really enjoy interviews that are specific to a book, Denise. And Resa’s questions dove into some details that no one has asked about before, like what are the nightlings. And I loved seeing her vision of Aster and how she brought her to life. Thanks so much for stopping by and adding to the fun. ❤ ❤ ❤

  20. Loved your lovely repour between you and Diana Loved the interview and those wonderful illustrations of artwork.. The dresses for Aster. The book sounds amazing … Wonderful collaboration
    Sending LOVE to you both ❤

    1. Thank you, Sue. I got the easy job in this duo. Resa did hours and hours of work and I’ve been simply enjoying the celebration of her art, photos, and fun interview. It’s been a blast visiting here for a week! I’m delighted that you stopped by and thank you for the lovely comment. Hugs.

    1. It certainly has been a fun post, Jacquie. I’m so glad you stopped by. I’ve been enjoying the (and all the comments). Resa makes it all a fun, multi-media extravaganza and I couldn’t be more grateful for her time and talent and kindness. Have a great day and Happy Writing, my friend. ❤ ❤ ❤

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