A Tangle of Sunflowers

Dahlings I love you all more than ever! It is with a heavy heart that I have postponed tonight’s fashion show. Instead, Art Gowns offers a Protest Post against all war anywhere, anytime.

The Sunflowers and colours are for Ukraine, and all its people fleeing, dying and defending. AGM Holly has written a special poem.

Thank you, Rene! I’m honoured to be here, and join in this protest.

“Hello, Art Director R. Budd here. We had a mind blowing show ready to go, then this beyond horrid war materialized. So, instead of the catwalk, the AGMs are out on the sidewalk protesting. PBH is MIA. There are reports that she has been spotted in Poland.”

“AGMs Dale and Gigi are working the protests in N. America.”

“AGMs Marina and Shey are working the lines in Europe.”

Peace and love! I’m Boogapony Holly. Ms. Rosso has asked me here tonight to present a song of my choice to protest war. After all, I am GLAM’s poster child whose spirit resides in the 60’s and early 70’s.

I’ve chosen Edwin Starr’s song “War”, performed by Bruce Springsteen. You tell me what is most powerful; the preamble & end shot, the song itself or the performance?

Boogapony and Rene Rosso characters © Resa McConaghy & Holly Rene Hunter

Since January 2018

You can visit the AGMs on their blogs: Holly – House of Heart, Dale – A Dalectable LifeShehanne – Smexy Historical Romance, Gigi – Rethinking LifeMarina – Art Towards a Happy Day

All photos of Sunflowers generously provided by ©  Timothy Price – Off Center Not Even

Visit Rebecca Budd on one of her many blogs. Better yet, check out her podcasts on Tea Toast and Trivia While there you can find links to her other fab blogs!

Working Spy 300

116 thoughts on “A Tangle of Sunflowers

  1. Timothy Price

    Beautiful protest post. I love all your AGMs’ sunflower gowns. They are gorgeous. Holly’s poem is fantastic, and that is an excellent version of War by Señor Springsteen. Love and Peace be with us and especially with the Ukraine.

    1. Thank you, Tim!
      Yes, love and peace… it seems so easy for so many. War seems just as easy for others.

      I am quite upset about what poo-tin is doing. I need to do something normal for half an hour. Looks like the dishes are finally paying off! xo

        1. His plates are now too, dirty to wash. I don’t like to hope or wish for bad things… but I hope he dies, suddenly.
          Uch, someone hacked our modem. They did it the old fashioned way, at the pole. It seems like Canada has its share of crappy people.
          I feel so violated! Been off line since the dishes were done.

  2. Your words and gift of art is a lovely appeal for peace so desperately needed right now.
    Thank you for creating this tribute and including the AGM’s around the world and every peace loving human who abhors what is happening in the Ukraine 🇺🇦.
    My heart breaks over the path the Russian tyrant has chosen.
    Thank you dear Resa ❤️🕊

    1. My heart breaks too.
      It’s not enough the R.t. has his Russian people in a choke hold, he’s destroying Ukraine. He actually used the term “”self-cleansing of society,” …sounds like genocide to me.
      Dear Holly, Meece, I’m sad we had to do this post. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. It’s always fun doing our thing together, but this post has been different Your special poem cuts like a knife. It should.
      It would have been fun to do our AGMs vampire fashion show. Everytime I look at RB as a vampire, I burst out laughing. Well, its day will come.

      I tried to answer this earlier, but our modem was hacked. It seems shitty people are everywhere.
      Love you much!!!!! ❤️🕊

      1. Thank you dear Resa, there seems little we can do right now but you’ve put your heart into this message of peace, and mine as well. Sending love Meece , looking forward to vampires!

  3. Pingback: A Tangle of Sunflowers — Art Gowns – House of Heart

  4. You had said you were going to put together a sunflower protest, and you did a great job. I’m waving sunflower flags with you in spirit. War is absolutely good for nothing.
    I hope there’s a way for this to end without Ukraine suffering any more.

      1. I think you might as well prepare for the worst. The only thing a bully understands is a punch in the nose. Once he is finished destroying Ukraine he will start on Poland or somewhere else. Our only hope is the Russian economy goes bust and the people revolt.

  5. Ah, dahling Resa.. even your protest post is filled with beauty and wonder! And there is no better way to protest than creativity and art. Holly’s beautiful poem and your sunflowers embellishing brilliantly the Art Gowns and us, fortunate AGMs, filling our hearts with hope. May they bring peace. 🙏🕊

    1. Make art not war! Is it too, much to ask?
      I adore you AGMs! You all gave your thumbs up for this post.
      Yes…filling our hearts with hope.

  6. I am so proud of being a part of this community, Resa! My thoughts are with PBH who may be entering danger. My gratitude to Dale and Gigi in N America and Marina and Shey working the lines in Europe. Holly – your poetry is stellar and I see a thousand sunflowers blanket fields of stone.

    A few years ago, Playing for Change went around the world to record Bob Marley’s “War/No More Trouble with Bono

    1. Just watching/listening to War/No More Trouble
      So happy you are here!
      It seems never ending. Humanity struggles against oppression in all its many forms.
      Sending hugs!

    1. Hi Liz!
      It is a powerful performance by Springsteen. It has moved me greatly.
      Here we go again! Really? What a mess 1 evil egomaniac can make!

  7. You bring such beauty and grace to the powerful message of peace and unity – also to the people suffering. It is incredible how touched I am by simply seeing your sketches of those women and their gowns in blue and yellow and the sunflowers.

    1. Thank you so much! It’s about all I can do…offer up a message of hope.
      Yeah, they are AGMs, so they have to wear gowns. Still, I kept the gowns relatively simple, and made it more about the blue and sunflowers.
      I am touched, that you are touched!

  8. What a gift you have both given heartfully in love and support by your strong message through words Holly and your gowns Resa. I’m with you both as the sunflower designs bless us all. 💖🌻

    1. Thank you Cindy!
      It’s what Holly and I can do. Write poems, draw gowns and send messages.
      The sunflowers are helping us do that, in juxtaposition with the war. 💖🌻

      1. And you do it soooo well! You’re so welcome. Yes they are my friend.. I’ve been buying sunflowers flowers “just because”. I near couldn’t find any the other day after going to so many stores! 💖💖🌻🌻🌻🌻

  9. Fabulous tribute to the insanity that’s going on at the moment. The art and poetry, the sunflowers, everything is perfect, Resa. I can’t thank you enough for including me in this wonderful tribute. It’s perfect…just like you are. ❤

  10. A very fine and thoughtful protest post, Resa. Holly’s poem says it all – the sunflowers should not have to see the destruction that befalls them. For as long as I can remember, I have always marvelled at the sunflower and have grown them at various times over the years. May this madness end soon.

    1. Thank you, Sean! Holly and I put a lot of thought into this post. We just had to do something, even just this bit of creativity.
      As sad as it is, it felt good drawing the AGMs.
      Madness…unfortunately, and I too hope it ends ……today!

    1. Dave,
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
      I had to do something. It’s not much, but Holly, Rebecca and all the girls were in on it. I made sure I had everyone’s approval, first. We are a solid bunch!

  11. Every generation has its war. Mankind has been living with it forever. Why?
    We can develop vaccines against deadly diseases. Is mankind bright enough
    to develop something to cure War?
    Thank you this presentation Resa. We certainly need it!

    1. Eddie, the whole impetus for causing war completely evades me. Defending oneself, family and country makes an unfortunate sense.

      To stop the perpetrators, it would have to be a drug that affects the psyche. Can parents tell if their child has taken an ill mental turn?
      I never had children, so am out of my league.
      Anyway, curing war sounds like a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

      I was compelled to make this post. I’m happy you saw it, and got something out of it! {{{hugs}}}

      1. I am with you on that one, my dear. The world is about to get wonky if it continues. Food insecurity will cause so much suffering for people who aren’t even involved with Russia and Ukraine. It’s unbearably sad.

  12. Hyperion

    Once again our world is changed forever and we are numb in the shock that we have not learned to settle differences in ways that bond us to the single cause of humanity. Once again we fail and raise another generation that will scream at night tortured by their dreams. They are the lucky ones. Thank you for this beautiful post that reminds us the path to war is where the worst sins of man are forced on the innocent women and children.

    1. Agree! Until all have learned the single cause of humanity, the chain will be as strong as the weakest link!
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
      I forgot you had started blogging again. I’ll be by!

      1. Hyperion

        Well said, Resa. I haven’t gotten my writing feet under me yet. But there are always ideas bubbling in my head. Surely something will happen soon.

      1. I’ve been trying to think of ways to do something… Came out short. Posts like you do, or I have done… Go out and fight? I am getting a bit old. Donate? I have, to a charity that prepares food for Ukraine…
        I think what we can do is keep our voice up…

  13. What a great anti-war post, so creative 👍👍
    Thanks for sharing it 🙏🙏
    We agree, we all have to protest against this war.
    With love 💙💛 from the sunny sea
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  14. Yes, a very creative anti-war post and call for peace. I can’t believe this is happening in 2022 after the awful couple of years we’ve all had around the World with covid. What is it good for – nothing! I’m so worried for George’s family in Iasi not far from Ukraine at all and he wants to visit soon. All the people’s homes have been destroyed in some Cities, nothing for them to go back to. The civilians caught up in it. Life is too precious. 💙💛. I have Russian friends and I feel for all of them, I don’t like the cancelling of people either because of decisions being taken by their Country of births leader.

    1. Poo-tin ( can of crap he is) is ruining everything.
      This is a very sad time.
      Tell George that I feel for him. Of course he wants to see his family. So do you!
      I for one believe the arts should be separate from politics.
      If you allow, I’d like to draw you in 2 gowns. One in blue and yellow for Ukraine. The other in blue, yellow and red for Romania.
      You can pick a video/song from you and George, that is appropriate.
      We can do a support/protest post. I can make it protected until we all approve.
      I’ll be by tomorrow to visit you.
      Right now, I am a lucky person. “The Blushing Brides” , a Stones tribute band is rehearsing in Norm’s studio. I’ll try to draw!
      Love to you both! xxoxoxoxo

      1. When I was in Romania in last month it was snowing and we went to the monastery, i know here it is taking in refugees from the Ukraine. I would love to see your designs for a Romanian dress and of course blue and yellow. Great idea. I know a perfect song by Poulenc called Ce, im not sure if I’ve got it recorded though. Good luck to Norm is he recording them?

        1. So sad! I can’t imagine being a refugee.
          Le sniff!
          I have a drawing to do for a book review. I’m going to work on that and the 2 for you!
          I think Norm did record them.

    2. My comment sort of disappeared.
      Fancy meeting you here Charlotte.
      (Though it looks like a club where most are following most)
      Is Georges (with or without and S?) from the East?
      And I do agree about “cancelling”. Some are canceling Rimski-Korsakow, Mussorgski or Borodin… Arghhh!

      1. I’ve been blog friends with Resa for a long time, she inspires me both with her creations and her writing. George without an ‘s’ is from NE Romania a city called Iasi near Moldova. Some are trying to cancel Rachmaninov!

        1. George with an S is in French almost only I think.
          Moldova? Hmmm. Not too far from Ukraine.
          Rachmaninov? Jesus. I know a play by Dostoïewski was cancelled in France. Stupidity is definitely on the rise.
          (I might have “met” you on Resa’s blog, come to think of it. Lovely Lady)

  15. Hello Resa, as I just commented back on my blog to your comment, you have captured the situation and conditions of this tragic event perfectly and eloquently. I will again mention that what struck me about your post here was the fact you picked out the (Ukrainian) yellow coloured Sunflower as the symbol of this struggle….and how it echoes with the red Poppies of the first and second world wars. I guess the delicateness of the flowers are symbolic of the hopes and prayers we are all keeping in our thoughts and know projecting for people to hear.
    Let us hope that the madness ends as soon as possible peacefully.

  16. A beautiful post, Resa. You have put it together so well, the drawings and creativity speak for themselves and the poem is an amazing work of art. Peace and love to all.

  17. I love the protest drawings, Resa. The one that captured my attention is “War? Really?” That’s how I feel – disoriented and unable to comprehend why this horrific tragedy is happening. Why would a country do this to its peaceful neighbor? It’s completely insane. And the suffering is heartbreaking beyond words. Thanks for speaking up, protesting, and continuing to give voice to so many of us who want this to end.

    1. Thank you, Diana!
      poo-tin is the miserable piece of sh!t causing all of this.
      At this point I think only his death by natural causes will stop the ongoing massacre, which looks a lot like genocide, in it’s tracks.
      Now, he has brought in the butcher of Syria, to finish the job.
      Just saw a report that the russians are eating cats and dogs… and some Ukraine people are too.

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