The Last Drive ~ John W. Howell

The sequel to “Eternal Road” once again has Sam and James traveling through time in a 1956 Oldsmobile.

Sam (Samantha) is an Angel Emissary. Her current mission: Find Ryan, a recent soul and his guide, Eddie. They have gone missing. Lucifer is suspect for their disappearance.  To aide her on the mission, she wrests James from his eternal home.

DISCLAIMER:  There are no gowns in this story, per se.

Resa – John, I drew Sam as her angel self. I mean, when she’s not out on missions, she would be in her angel wear. I hope you approve of the drawing. (I don’t see wings)

John – I love Sam’s Angel self. I think it is exactly what she would wear around the cloud so to speak. She doesn’t have wings so that was a good call.
Resa – To me, Sam is the star of the 2 books. I mean, if the books were a movie, I think Sam would have top billing over James. Ryan and Eddie are co-stars. What do you think about that?

John – Yes, Sam is the star. She is the glue that holds both stories together. James could be a co-star and Eddie and Ryan featured players.

Resa – Also, now that I’m into drawing Sam, I got an itch to draw her in a mid 70’s style casino gown. Yes, I know she never wears one when they go to the Bellagio, but she could, in a time warp thing. I can’t remember if she wears one in the previous book, when they go to Vegas?

John – In the previous book she did not wear a casino gown but I know she would love one. I think if they had had the time she would have insisted on getting one. Sam can be anywhere she wants at anytime.

Resa – I like that! Sam’s main ace up her sleeve is time eternal.

Forever, Sam’s seven letter word falling across a triple word score, as she, James, Eddie and Ryan attempt to outwit their underworld opponent, the biggest cheater this side of Niflheim aka hell.

Speaking of hell; John affords no comfort as Satan tries to trick Sam, James, Eddie and Ryan, by placing them in some of the most horrific times and places man has ever known. The price of a ticket back to paradise? Ryan’s soul!

Resa – I know you worked out most of the time travel mechanics in the first book. The idea of not disturbing the “time continuum” I get. I learned that in the old Star Trek series. However, there are many other time travel issues, in both your books “Eternal Road” & The Last Drive.
Did you make a chart, when working things out?

John – I do not have a chart on the time travel rules. The basics are pretty simple. You cannot alter the future when in a different time period.

Resa – How did you figure/rationalize the logistics?
Was it all worked out in book one? Or did you have to work out some new time travel ideas & issues in this book?

John – The issues in the book were handled one at a time given the circumstance at the time. For instance if James or Ryan tried to save Karen after she was hit by a car then they would have altered the future. In the same manner if James and Ryan stayed at the scene as witnesses the same thing would happen.

On the time travel question every scene in The Last Drive was worked out on it’s own. Figuring the logistics took some thought but the rule about not disturbing the future was the guide.

For example the team considered that they should try to save the people on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. The rationale that the intended target (The Capital ) was never hit was used. All those lives lost had repercussions on families left behind so to save them would have altered those repercussions. This is how each was thought through.

Resa -I see you can obtain an object (ie cell phone) in one time frame, then take it to another time frame.

Could Sam obtain a piece of fabric from ancient Rome, and take that to Las Vegas? Then could she obtain a dress from Las Vegas and combine the fabric and dress into one garment? Then could she wear that garment in another different time and place? Or, even combine that with say jewelry from that third place? Could this go on ad infinitum?

John – Sam can haul anything from zone to zone as long as she can get it before the dump to a new zone. She can’t haul stuff from heaven but the zones are fair game.

Resa – John, I’d like to post this on “Art Gowns”, but need as many gowns as possible. As you can see I have drawn Sam in: an Angel gown, a Las Vegas gown, A Roman Colosseum Gladiatorette gown, a Tea Time on the Titanic gown and a 1912 Ball gown.

John – You are the best, Resa. Thank you for what will be a beautiful thing.

Resa – I listened to a podcast that featured you. It was quite good. Some asked about a sequel. I ask what about a prequel?

John – A prequel is a great idea. You’ll hear another idea on the broadcast that may have legs too.

John turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business.  John writes thriller fiction novels and short stories. He has written 7 books.

To read more about John’s books and awards, click on his photo.

All of John’s books are published by Keewaydin Lane Books.

Visit John on his BLOG

Click on the cover of “The Last Drive” to go to John’s Amazon Page.

199 thoughts on “The Last Drive ~ John W. Howell

    1. Thanks Dave! John’s book is an interesting supposition.
      I love his heroine, and just had to draw her.
      (AND “The Housekeeper” has arrived.)

  1. A superb interview/review with John . The new book sounds fabulous, you dear Resa have stirred our imagination with the incredibly beautiful gowns. Congratulations on your newest book John. Thank you Resa for a lovely interview!

    1. Meece!
      It was wonderful drawing these gowns based on John’s book and character Sam.
      I enjoyed the book a lot.

      NOW… I’ve almost finished the most hysterical drawing of Bezella, the 3 armed wanna be AGM. She has stolen the DracGoth, Etagloc and Rupert puppets, and is dragging them around.

      We need a fashion show theme! Meece thinking caps on! 🐭🧢 xo 🐭🧢

  2. Reblogged this on Fiction Favorites and commented:
    Resa McConaghy is a talented designer with extensive experience designing Hollywood film costumes. She is also an accomplished photographer and writer. Her photographic concentration is on street murals; she has an amazing collection. Today, she honored me with a discussion and review of The Last Drive. To give her readers a sense of the story, Resa has designed four gowns for Sam, the principal character. A visit to Resa’s place will give you a view of the book and an experience you will want to repeat.

  3. This post is such a wonderful representation of the book Resa. I can’t thank you enough for putting your talent to work on behalf of Sam and The Last Drive.
    Also, I’m glad you like the story. That means a lot OX OX OX OX

    1. You are welcome, John!
      First, I enjoyed the book a lot.
      I had much enjoyable time drawing Sam. She’s my first angel, and I can’t tell you how happy I am she doesn’t have wings. She’s a 21st century angel.
      Not being relegated to one time and place is very inspiring for designing.

      Dear John,
      Keep on writing!

  4. Resa, these gowns are perfect. I’ve read both books, and it’s interesting to see one of the characters come to life, as it were. It’s fascinating to see the gowns you chose for the various settings, and the drawings are delightful.

  5. That was so fun, especially since I’ve read the book and have a connection to Sam. She’s a strong character to endure everything Lucifer put her through, that’s for sure. The gowns are beautiful, Resa. I love the variety and I think Sam would appreciate the additions to her heavenly wardrobe. Wonderful interview too. I liked learning about John’s approach to time travel and the butterfly effect. Congrats to you both for the entertaining post! Special congrats to John on the excellent read.

    1. Diana!
      Yes, it was an excellent read.
      Also, Sam is an inspiring character. Moving through time is also inspiring. I feel like so much is open for creative expression.
      I’m not exactly sure how it would work, but I suppose Sam could pick a time and place where she could have a closet to store her gowns in.
      John says you can’t haul things back and forth from heaven, but I don’t see why she can’t build a wardrobe atelier, say in Paris, 1952. Dior’s “New Look” was all the rage after the fabric rations were ended.
      OMG… now I feel like drawing that era!
      Thanks Diana! You are also a very inspiring writer. Hugs!

  6. Out of all the interviews with John, this is the besterest! I love how you mess your wonderful skills, Sorceress into this post. John’s book is wonderful and the gowns you drew to represent some of the places Sam and James travel to, and then some. Working your magic in concert with John.
    Wonderful, you two!

    1. Thunder!
      Thank you… yeah, a fusion of mess and drawing and ideas. 🙄😵‍💫
      It was a lot of fun reading the book, then doing this with John.

      I thought I answered this. Perhaps in a day dream.
      Well, that’s magic all around. xoxoxo

      1. Sorceress!
        My pleasure. I love your mess. It works beautifully. It’s funny because I’m 3/4 through reading it – I beta read it at back and have just decided to read the final cut. (Sitting in the dark with no electricity since 8pm – and I’m lucky, some have been out since 2-3 this afternoon) it’s ice storm version 2023!

  7. Bravo, John and Resa! I haven’t enjoyed a book launch or interview post so much in ages. Using the combination perspective of Sam and Resa’s gowns was brilliant and fascinating. John, congrats on another terrific book. Resa, congratulations on all these glorious gowns and sketches. I particularly liked the teatime gown, and the history mashup finale gown. Wishing you both continued success. Big hugs.

    1. Teagan!
      Thank you!!
      I’m losing track of comments.
      John has quite the avid following.
      I thought I answered this?
      I like the Tea time and Travel Mash up Time gowns, too!
      Pepper would sure look good in a gown! HUGS

  8. This spotlight on The Last Drive was so much fun! Oh, the gowns!! Resa, I love all of your questions to John about how Sam might avail herself of a goodly wardrobe of gowns in the afterlife and still not disrupt the time continuum. My favorite is the starry one because it’s sparkly and magical.

  9. Resa, you did an outstanding job here with an original style interview/review for John’s book. I know he’s very happy with it all.
    Your gowns are quite elegant.

  10. Oh, Resa knows how to review a book and make it a whole story. I loved learning about the characters of this book and Resa’s gorgeous imagined gownery. Congrats to John, and I look forward to reading this! ❤ xx

    1. Yay, Debby!
      Pardon for the sluggish response.
      Your comment is more than welcome.
      Busy is an understatement right now.
      It was a joy reading John’s book & drawing John’s heroine.
      Lol, right now, late a t night, I’m attempting to draw Motorcycle Theme Gowns.

  11. Two of my favourite blog friends in a post together, how fabulous. Love Sam’s gowns especially the Roman one and the stars of course. Great book review turned into a fun interview. Xxx

    1. It sure was a fun time working with John!
      He’s a great person that I have come to know.
      Roman style gowns are classic. You’d never go wrong! xxx

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